Daughter of an icon 

    • Jeff Mahoney 
    • Wed Sep 14 2011 

Elizabeth McLuhan knew her father was famous. How could she not? 

He was the subject of a popular two-line poem (“What are you doin’, Marshall 
McLuhan?”) on Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In. He was interviewed by Playboy, in 
company that year with Jesse Jackson and Joe Namath. 

But she never thought he was necessarily “cool” — he was a communications 
theorist, after all — until a man came to the door of their home in 1969. 

The man wore these glasses, the arms of which disappeared into the tangles of 
his long hair, and there was a woman. 

“My brother and I were frozen.” 

John Lennon and Yoko Ono. 

Such was the reach of McLuhan’s fame and influence. 

“He (Lennon) came to see Dad, not the other way around. Dad greeted him in his 
way, nonchalant, like ‘Oh, look who turned up.’ But Michael (her younger 
brother) and I were beside ourselves.” Lennon, she remembers, signed her 

It’s been a busy year for Elizabeth. She is executive director of the Workers 
Arts and Heritage Centre on Stuart Street, she’s moving house (“the McLuhan 
genes are firmly planted in Hamilton, which we love,” Elizabeth says with a 
smile), and 2011 is the centenary of McLuhan’s birth (July 21, 1911). 

The great Canadian thinker — he coined phrases such as “the global village” — 
is riding a cultural current again, with McLuhan conferences in places as far 
flung as Brussels and Copenhagen. 

Elizabeth and her siblings (she’s one of six) have been invited to numerous 
anniversary events. Recently she and brothers Michael and Eric were front and 
centre at the launching of 50th anniversary edition of The Gutenberg Galaxy. 

“It’s great to see the recent wave, back to acclamation,” says Elizabeth. “He 
was always controversial.” 

Not your conventional scholar, McLuhan wrote about things like television, 
advertising and the shapeless plasma of what we now call “popular culture” 
before they were considered fit subjects of academic discourse. 

Moreover, he wrote in this curious style — not academia’s plodding march of the 
footnotes but a vigorous, jumped-up electric prose. He combined the pensiveness 
of aphorisms with the payload of ad slogans to create gnomic tag phrases such 
as “the medium is the message.” 

In fact, says Elizabeth, even Warhol scholars concede that McLuhan conceived 
the idea (if not the exact wording) of our “15 minutes of fame.” 

McLuhan had much more than 15 minutes, as the centenary illustrates. 

“But it was very hard at times,” Elizabeth recalls. “There were years when he 
was anathema. Students were actively discouraged from following him.” 

When he died, in 1980 at the age of 69, the University of Toronto didn’t want 
his papers. They went instead to the national archives. 

But then McLuhan was famous for being misunderstood, the punch line, in 
essence, of his legendary walk-on scene in Woody Allen’s Annie Hall. He appears 
from behind a poster, like a rabbit pulled out of a hat, to dress down a 
pretentious Columbia professor who, to impress a date, has been invoking 
McLuhan’s ideas, then mangling them. 

Says Elizabeth, “My father’s memory of the movie was this costume designer who 
kept telling him how to look like ... himself.” And that Allen wasn’t funny 

The ironies. There was another, she says, with a chuckle. 

“Despite all his talk about hot and cool media and technology, he barely knew 
how to turn on the TV.” 

Though a very public intellectual, he worked mostly at home, bouncing ideas off 
family, as well as students and visitors when they were there (“easier to ask 
who ‘didn’t’ show up at our house,” says Elizabeth). 

That’s how she remembers her dad, a complicated man, full of offbeat charisma 
and great comic timing, illuminating her life — with big ideas. 

She doesn’t even have to say it. The message is the medium and the medium is 
the pride in her eyes when she talks of him. 


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