The release date of tipidee is approaching.

 Since the last announcement, there have been some significant changes
to tipidee, including:

 - a more flexible logging configuration
 - custom error pages (by domain)
 - custom headers

as well as many bugfixes, thanks to everyone's reports.

 These changes were the last important ones. There will be no more
major additions before the release.

 But the new features need testing! In particular, custom error pages
and custom headers are new enough and complex enough that they could
use more people stress-testing them. So please, if you can, grab
tipidee's git head, and check that it works for you and your twisted

 (Some parts of the /etc/tipidee.conf syntax have changed, you will
need to perform minor edits to your configuration and run tipidee-config

 Thanks a lot in advance! The more testing, the sooner we can put a
number on it. :)

 (Alexis, the documentation is in a good place now and I do not expect
any important changes to it before the release. There will probably be
minor tweaks and rephrasing, but that's it.)


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