Hi Alexis, and everyone else,

i guess i'd probably want OpenRC supervising the user s6-svscan
process, mainly because, at this point, i'd like to keep using
OpenRC on my Gentoo system overall: since a lot of my volunteer
tech work involves providing support to others and
writing/maintaining documentation, it's useful to keep my own
system fundamentally similar to what others are running.

I realized I have here just what you need, or at least could use, to do that: an OpenRC service definition and an execline script which execs into s6-svscan and sets up s6-rc on top of it.

The execline script is a bit hacky (this loopwhilex should be replaced by a proper tool waiting for s6-svscan readiness notification), so if anyone wants to propose enhancements I’m all hears.

The OpenRC script is specifically written for my user, I guess you could make it generic, I didn’t bother to do so. Feel free to adapt. The xdg-runtime-dir-bezier-h service referenced in depend() is a service which makes sure my user has an existing XDG_RUNTIME_DIR at startup (it usually is created on login, but I want my services to be run during the boot sequence).

Both the execline script and the OpenRC service are based on Laurent’s s6-svscan OpenRC service for Alpine Linux in which he claims that in the future s6-svscan will be pid1 in Alpine. ;)

#!/bin/execlineb -S1
emptyenv -p
export USER ${1}
s6-envuidgid -i -- ${1}
s6-applyuidgid -U --
backtick -in HOME { homeof ${1} }
  importas -i USER USER
  importas -i HOME HOME
  importas -i UID UID
  importas -i GID GID
  importas -i GIDLIST GIDLIST
export PATH "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin"
if { install -d -o ${1} -g ${1} -m 0700 /run/${1}/services }
        foreground {
                loopwhilex -x 0
                s6-rc-init -c ${HOME}/.config/s6-rc/compiled -l /run/${1}/s6-rc 
-d /run/${1}/services
        s6-rc -l /run/${1}/s6-rc -u change default
redirfd -r 0 /dev/null
s6-svscan -- /run/${1}/services

depend() {
        after xdg-runtime-dir-bezier-h

start_stop_daemon_args="-b -m -k 022"

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