On Jul 2, 2009, at 6:04 PM, Jonathon Weiss wrote:

Hello All,

I know this has already been mentioned here, but consider this the
official announcement.  Approximately 24 hours ago pgp.mit.edu was
upgraded form an old sun box running PKS to new linux VM running SKS.
I'm very excited that we are now able to fully support subkeys (and
suspect that I'm not the only one), since I know that people were
running into that limitation with our PKS installation.

During the upgrade process, I noticed that we are still getting a few
requests (and a lot of spam) a week via our email gateway.  I hacked
to gether some perl and curl to reply to the legitimate requests.  Are
others intersted in this code, if I found the time to clean it up
enough for distribution?

Out of curiosity, how many requests do you get via email in a week?

If you are currently sending a mail feed to pgp.mit.edu, please
contact bug-pks at mit dot edu to coordinate converting that to a
gossip peer relationship.

In that vein, does anyone know of any remaining PKS servers?  I think
that all of the servers our PKS server was set to synchronize with are
either already running SKS or aren't actually running a keyserver.

I know of at least one: pgp.nic.ad.jp.

I think we've reached the point that if someone is still running PKS, they should either convert to something without the subkey problems, or just shut down entirely. We have a good number of public keyservers that properly handle subkeys up and running at this point, and I feel the cost of hard-to-understand subkey failures at hard-to- expect times outweighs the benefit of having one more keyserver out there.


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