> I can't speak for Jonathon's pgp.mit.edu machine, of course, but the
> machine I was talking about did have the tools installed.  This was a
> year or two ago, though, so perhaps things have improved since then.

Yes, I had tools installed and enabled.  That said, the problem seems to
be gone now.  I'm tentatively crediting some underlying VMware patch
that we took somewhere along the way, along with my rebuilding the PTree
from scratch last night.  I believe pgp.mit.edu is once again basically
sync'd up, and that tonight's or tomorrow's stats run should confirm
that.  I'm hoping that things will continue to run smoothly, but it will
be a while before I'm positive that they are doing so.


        Jonathon Weiss <jwe...@mit.edu>
        MIT/IS&T/OIS  Server Operations

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