Hi all,

I'm mystified as to how I even got into this:

"PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery"

I see about running db_recover:

debian-sks@atlanta:~/DB$ db4.8_recover -v
Finding last valid log LSN: file: 22 offset 120
Recovery starting from [21][657]
Recovery complete at Wed Apr 20 12:48:33 2011
Maximum transaction ID 80000007 Recovery checkpoint [23][28]

Which I guess looks good.  But I'm still getting the error.  I'm not
finding much help on Google (I swear this search engine is becoming
less useful by the day).

What now?

If it is relevant, I have been exploring sks dump; it seems
painless, taking 15-20 minutes or so to run, so if I can get this
ironed out, I think I should be able to offer nightly dumps.

David Benfell <benf...@parts-unknown.org>

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