Hello Andrey,

On 04/06/2011 08:33 PM, Andrey Korobkov wrote:
> I have a new keyserver running and would like to peer with many other IPv6

Although I enabled IPv6 native with my ISP some time ago, it is only since
last week that I've an AAAA DNS-record.

> servers. Please add me to your 'membership' file with the following
> entry and provide your details in return so I can do the same:
> keyserver.fryxell.ru 11370 # Andrey Korobkov 0x177A2DB9EA08BF5D

I've added your server. Please, add mine as well to your membership file.

pgpkeys.mallos.nl 11370 # Arnold Schekkerman <arn...@mallos.nl> 0xB66BBBAA

> How many peers can I have? (as for me, the more is better :) )

There was recently a discussion on the list about how many would be best. I
simply respond to requests of new admins now and then.

> What do you advice me about mailsync? Is it worth to configure and enable it?

You can search the list archive for a discussion about mailsync. It was used
to sync with servers using PKS (http://pks.sourceforge.net/). However, the
files of that project last changed in 2003. I guess "everybody" uses SKS now.

Kind regards,
   Arnold &:-)
                           \|/ ____ \|/  E-mail:  arn...@mallos.xs4all.nl
You can't confuse him,      @~/ ,. \~@   Fight for your right on PRIVACY!
he's not paying attention. /_( \_ / )_\  Use PGP!    http://pgp.mallos.nl

Happy Linux user!

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