Pulling this out of the thread about keyserver.cns.vt.edu:

Nginx can set a Via: header in http responses:

    add_header Via "1.1 keyserver.example.com";


(Note that it only adds the header on responses with result codes
200, 204, 301, 302 or 304.)

I would suggest adding this to the config example on the Peering page.

You can also serve files with nginx, so I'd suggest offloading urls
other than /pks to nginx.

server {
    listen ...
    root /your/keyserver/web;
    location /pks {
      proxy_pass http://localhost:11371/pks;
      add_header Via "1.1 keyserver.example.com";

I don't have a good setup to fully test this config, but at least the
location /pks part works.


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