On 2012-07-27 08:50, Stefano Rivera wrote:
> Hi Kristian (2012.07.26_20:27:50_+0200)
>> Try adding: Header set Server Apache to the config.
> IIRC it needs to be lower-case "apache".
> http://code.google.com/p/sks-keyservers-pool/source/browse/trunk/sks-keyservers.net/status-srv/sks.inc.php#337

Not really, in my local source I convert everything to lowercase before
checking, but I see that I've forgotten to push that to the SVN
repository, so have pushed it now :)

Kristian Fiskerstrand
Twitter: @krifisk
Corruptissima re publica plurimæ leges
The greater the degeneration of the republic, the more of its laws
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