Hello, once more :).

On 11/12/2013 01:15 PM, Filip Stefaniak wrote:
> Hello,
> W dniu 2013-11-12 09:55, Dmitry Yu Okunev (pks.mephi.ru) pisze:
>> Hello.
>>> This way almost everythink works fine (I have web access to the
>>> server at both ports: 80 and 11371) but at my status page the
>>> HTTP port is 11372 (which is closed by firewall) and is probably
>>> misleading for http://sks-keyservers.net/status/ where "Port 80"
>>> status is red.
>>> There are also other web pages on this server.
>>> What is your apache2 configuration with sks server, which works
>>> for you?
>> I'm using "nginx" as a frontend server (it's more lightweight and 
>> secure, IMHO).
> On my server there is aleready an apache2 running. Can you estimate,
> how much memory your nginx instance needs?

grep VmPeak `pgrep nginx | awk '{print "/proc/"$1"/status"}'`
/proc/25720/status:VmPeak:         31088 kB
/proc/25723/status:VmPeak:         31584 kB

>> My vhost configuration file is included. Version of nginx is
>> 1.4.1.
> Thanks. But still - there is no conflict nginx vs sks server on
> listening on port 11371?

# netstat -npl | grep 11371
tcp        0      0*
LISTEN      25720/nginx.conf
tcp        0      0*
LISTEN      24600/sks

So, as you can see there's no conflict on my machine:
 - is for sks
 - is for nginx

You can do the same with apache. Just use
> Port external_ip_address:11371
in apache, and
> hkp_address:
in sksconf.


Best regards, Dmitry,
head of UNIX-tech department NRNU MEPhI,
tel. 8 (495) 788-56-99, add. 8255

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