On 04/06/2014 02:06 PM, Gabor Kiss wrote:
>>     Having just spent about an hour sifting through my recon.log and
>> trying to track down the number of unauthorized gossip attempts I was
>> seeing I've stopped. I've already contacted a few that I was able to
>> identify and instead just figured I'd blanket the list as it seems to be
>> a wider issue.
>>     When you're adding peers to your membership file you need to contact
>> the admin of that peer and let them know! It does you no good to simply
>> add them to your side.
> Dear Jeremy,
> I guess most of these "underbred" guys just followed your instructions
> as of 11th of February:
> |    With that I'd like to ask if anyone currently has
> |keyserver.undergrid.net in their membership file to please update it and
> |use sks.undergrid.net instead. 
> http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/sks-devel/2014-02/msg00029.html
> Keys.niif.hu was your peer since 13th of September when you first
> time seeked for partners.
> Now I can see you have enough peers for stable operation even without
> keys.niif.hu. I deleted your server from my membership file.
> Regards
> Gabor

Hey Gabor,

    I guess if they actually read that message they also failed to read
the line that read "I didn't want to just blanket merge all my peers
first and potentially cause problems." or even in the follow-up Second
where I explicitly stated "Unless I'm contacted I'm not adding any peers
from keyserver.undergrid.net to sks.undergrid.net.". Though I do know
the emails were at least read and responded to as I had several people
contact me to let me know they'd migrated their config over and a few
new peers.

    Ironically your host was specifically named in the second notice
email and you were oddly silent even though the email said to let me
know if you wanted it moved. Though at least a handful of the admins
from that same list did contact me to me know they'd updated their
membership file to I could add them over on sks.undergrid.net.

    My entire configuration is in VCS and as such I can tell you when a
host is added or removed. In your case, keys.niif.hu was missing when I
was going through the logs and I was seeing unauthorized gossip attempts
and I was able to track down which host it was. I then added it:

commit feb47ddab6c29dbd4618bac226b78df0f69116dd
Author: Jeremy T. Bouse <jeremy.bo...@undergrid.net>
Date:   Sun Apr 6 11:15:00 2014 -0400

    Add keys.niif.hu to sks::members for host/sks01

    I then emailed you privately at 11:16 AM EDT stating I didn't see
any email requesting peering which was factual as you hadn't for
sks.undergrid.net but had for keyserver.undergrid.net back in Sept as
you stated above. I've since removed you per your own request (again above):

commit 517bf480e7087eee7b299f55a791129d10537820
Author: Jeremy T. Bouse <jeremy.bo...@undergrid.net>
Date:   Sun Apr 6 14:18:08 2014 -0400

    Remove keys.niif.hu from hosts/sks01


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