Hi Andrew,

Am 22.04.2014 17:17, schrieb Andrew Stothard:
> Hello,
> I am looking for peers for a new SKS keyserver installation.
> I am running SKS version 1.1.4, on pgp.2280.net <http://pgp.2280.net>.
> The server is physically located in Manchester, UK.
> It has both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity.
> I have loaded a keydump from keyserver.secretresearchfacility.com
> <http://keyserver.secretresearchfacility.com> and am seeing 3593366 keys.
> The membership config line should be:
> pgp.2280.net <http://pgp.2280.net> 11370 # Andrew Stothard
> <an...@2280.net <mailto:an...@2280.net>> 0xB68898B4
added. Please add

sks.muc.drweb-av.de 11370 # Karl Schmitz <k...@muc.drweb-av.de> 

to your server's membership file.

And while you're at it: Make sure to add

server_contact: *0x*3E3ED514DF2C9C98338671248CBBC068*B68898B4*

to your /etc/sks/sksconf. Just looks nicer on your server's statistics
page. ;-)

Thanks in advance,


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