Dear Admin,

Is it possible to get a keydump of all gpg-keys? Are there any usage
restrictions? What would the size of the data be?

I am a Phd student and want to do some research on gpg-keys. Perhaps
you know about factorable ( where some
researchers scanned the internet for ssl/tls-certificates. They tried
some trivial factorization methods, like computing gcd, etc. and had
success. Also many of the keys were the same due to embedded devices,
having not enough entropy.
I want to do the same or something similar on gpg-keys. Do you know
of any research which was already done?

Best regards
Henning Kopp

Henning Kopp
Institute of Distributed Systems
University of Ulm, Germany

Office: 027 - 3402
Phone: +49 731 50-24138

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