On 19.02.2015 14:12, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
On Feb 19, 2015, at 1:48 PM, Matt Wagner wrote:

Signed PGP part
Hi all,

I just noticed on one of my servers that the KDB directory has grown
to 26GB in size, including almost 1,200 10MB log.000000NNNN files.
other server has "only" 600 of the log files.

I'm curious if there's a recommended practice for housekeeping here.
Disk space isn't yet a problem, but I'd rather not wait until it
becomes one.

(Incidentally: I was looking at this while wondering if it's
to bring up a keyserver using a snapshot of the DB, versus the .gpg
exports. I was tinkering with setting up skskeyserver on a Raspberry
Pi with an SD card, and each batch of 15,000 keys takes 15 to 60
minutes to import. I probably should have done fastbuild... Has
ever tried stopping the DB and copying the files over, versus
exporting and then importing dumps?)

-- Matt

There are two approaches:

1) (automated) Add this line to DB_CONFIG (which you are using,

2) (manual) Run these commands on idle databases (with KDB/PTree as
 dbXY_recover -ev
 dbXY_checkpoint -1
 dbXY_archive -dv
(XY == version of Berkeley DB in use, e.g. XY=53 for db-5.3.x)


73 de Jeff

I'm curious if this is a OS or distribution specific change as I took the liberty of checking on my SKS hosts and found on all 3 the sks/DB directory was only around 12GB and at most I found 3 10MB log files while none of the hosts have a DB_CONFIG other than under /usr/share/doc.

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