On Thu 2015-08-06 12:03:28 -0400, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Gunnar Wolf dijo [Thu, Aug 06, 2015 at 10:50:59AM -0500]:
>> OK, this *seems* to have worked: After removing and creating a new,
>> empty /var/lib/sks/PTree directory, I started sks, and am getting
>> several such log messages:
> Umh, spoke too fast:
> 2015-08-06 10:56:46 <reconciliation handler> error in callback.: End_of_file
> 2015-08-06 10:56:46 <reconciliation handler> error in callback.: End_of_file
> 2015-08-06 10:56:46 <reconciliation handler> error in callback.: End_of_file
> 2015-08-06 10:57:45 <recon as client> error in callback.: 
> Sys_error("Connection reset by peer")

fwiw, the above is usually just one of your sks peers (or the netwokr
between you) being flakey.  It's not a symptom of a failed sks

> Ok, one more 'service sks restart', and found that:
> 2015-08-06 10:59:49 Malformed entry  EF5

This i've never seen before, and have no idea what it represents.


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