On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 10:20 PM, Jeremy T. Bouse
<jeremy.bo...@undergrid.net> wrote:
>     Okay, so I need to rebuild the sks.undergrid.net cluster to upgrade
> the base OS image. I currently have the nginx and sks configuration
> handled via Salt so that isn't a big issue with me rebuilding from
> scratch. The issue is the systems have 20GB drives and the sks database
> is 13GB. This presents the problem of I can't download a keydump, import
> it and delete it. If I had the space I could actually automate that with
> Salt easily enough. The only other options is to do the fastbuild and
> keep the dump files letting it use that for those keys instead of
> reading them into the DB. Previously what I did was I had built another
> server with additional drive space and imported the keys then rsynced
> the DB file over. I've had to do that a couple times before when I've
> had issues with upgrades. Since it's a cluster no one really even
> notices when I've done that.

I had a similar issue since my server is hosted on the smallest server
on DigitalOcean (20GB SSD). For importing a keydump, I just spun up a
new VM in the same zone and set it up as an NFS share and mounted that
share on the main server. I downloaded the keydump to the NFS server,
then imported the keydump into the main server. When done, I deleted
the NFS server. Worked pretty well for me.

Pete Stephenson

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