
We are looking for peers for a new SKS keyserver installation.

We are running SKS version 1.1.5, on keys.communityrack.org.

CommunityRack.org is a Switzerland-based association for IT
professionals. Our goal is to provide rack-space access, while
maintaining more freedom and control over the infrastructure than
classic environments. We also meet monthly and are very active within
the swiss internet provider landscape.

More information on https://communityrack.org (german only, sorry).

The machine is connected to the internet with 1 Gbps and has IPv6
connectivity. We also plan to add HKPS, once we have a reasonable amount
of peerings.

I have loaded a keydump from
http://ftp.prato.linux.it/pub/keyring/dump-latest/, dated 2016-01-13.

I see 4154428 keys loaded.

For operational issues, you can contact either supp...@communityrack.org
(it's not a ticket system) or me directly.

keys.communityrack.org 11370 # Andre Keller <a...@0x2a.io> 0x2351B9E3

Thank you and best regards,

André Keller

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