At Wed, 25 May 2016 00:04:05 +0200,
Arnold wrote:
> On 24-05-16 18:17, Tobias Frei wrote:
> > Adding proof of work can only prevent an attack that depends on a huge 
> > number of
> > useless keys.
> Setting a maximum upload size can help and is easy to implement locally. 
> Further,
> it is possible to limit the rate at which a single IP (or IPv6/64) can upload 
> new
> or updated keys.

A determined attacker can already simply increment their IID on a v6
capable interface through a /64... so I'm not sure limits/ip are

A coordinated botnet of ~200k (not unheard of) ipv4 connected
endpoints could also busily upload to local keyservers 1 key per


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