On 2016-06-10 at 18:45 -0400, Fabian Santiago wrote:
> You're right, it does work that way and I have it up now as such. I was hung 
> up I guess on why it doesn't work as advertised.
> See attached strace. This is above my head.

This strace'd systemd but did not strace sks itself.

SKS by default loads the configuration file as `./sksconf`, so whatever
the working directory of the `sks db` and `sks recon` processes is,
that's where the configuration file should be.  The configuration file
is best, because otherwise you're looking at some intricate balancing of
configuration for "recon" and "db" to make sure things work.

You can just run `strace sks help` to not do anything but show the help
text, but after SKS has loaded its configuration.  I use FreeBSD, so am
using ktrace/kdump, but below is a highlight of what I see in the
output, after searching forward with my text viewer ("less") for the
name of the configuration file, "sksconf".  This is how you find what
files a process was trying to access.

What you _probably_ want to do is use:

    sks db -basedir /path/to/runtime/directory

and in your runtime directory have symlinks pointing to the real
configuration files somewhere under /etc/.

And hey, I just discovered that my `server_contact` field is
out-of-date, by reading my own trace output.  :)


-------------------------8< ktrace sks help >8--------------------------
 32366 sks      CALL  stat(0x801dc9f40,0x7fffffffe8d8)
 32366 sks      NAMI  "./sksconf"
 32366 sks      STRU  struct stat {dev=293016077, ino=15, mode=0100644, 
nlink=1, uid=0, gid=0, rdev=4294967295, atime=1399850869.655568857, 
stime=1426291686.685482306, ctime=1426291686.685482306, 
birthtime=1399850869.655568857, size=437, blksize=4096, blocks=9, flags=0x800 }
 32366 sks      RET   stat 0
 32366 sks      CALL  open(0x801c170f0,0<O_RDONLY>,<unused>0)
 32366 sks      NAMI  "./sksconf"
 32366 sks      RET   open 4
 32366 sks      CALL  fcntl(0x4,F_SETFD,FD_CLOEXEC)
 32366 sks      RET   fcntl 0
 32366 sks      CALL  lseek(0x4,0,SEEK_CUR)
 32366 sks      RET   lseek 0
 32366 sks      CALL  read(0x4,0x801f52050,0x10000)
 32366 sks      GIO   fd 4 read 437 bytes
       "basedir: /var/sks/
        hostname: sks.spodhuis.org
        nodename: sks.spodhuis.org
        server_contact: 0x403043153903637F
        from_addr: keys...@sks.spodhuis.org
        membership_reload_interval: 1
        recon_address: 2a02:898:31:0:48:4558:73:6b73
        pagesize: 16
        ptree_pagesize: 8
        # With BDB 5.x, pagesize to 128, ptree_pagesize to 16
        # Cache size limit (in MB) can limit the damage of misbehaving peers
        cache: 80
 32366 sks      RET   read 437/0x1b5
-------------------------8< ktrace sks help >8--------------------------

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