On 26/08/2016 12:14 am, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
> On 8/25/2016 6:13 PM, Danny Horne wrote:
>> On 25/08/2016 11:10 pm, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
>>> Do you have Apache or Nginx running on the server? If so they're likely
>>> what is bound to port 80 already.
>> I have Nginx running on 11371 (reverse proxy), nothing is running on port 80
>     Try running 'ss -lt |grep :http' and/or 'netstat -plunta |grep :80'
> and I would guess you'll find something. The netstat command will also
> give you the process name and PID if you run it as root.
>     I ask as I have my Nginx server listening to both 11371 and 80 and
> load-balancing the traffic back to the SKS daemon.
I ran 'netstat -plunta |grep :80' with nginx, sks db and sks recon
running and nothing came up.  I think Phil Pennock might have hit the
nail on the head with his answer

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