It might be useful to submit a bug report against the debian sks package
with that patch.

On 12/03/2016 09:27 PM, John Zaitseff wrote:
> Hi, Pete et al.,
>> I just setup a fresh sks installation using version 1.1.6-2~bpo8+1
>> from debian-backports. The server is running Debian Jessie.
>> By default, all the logs (e.g. what normally would go into db.log and
>> recon.log) end up in /var/log/syslog, which is not expected or
>> desired.
>> My previous installation, running 1.1.5 on Ubuntu 14.04, sent those
>> logs to /var/log/sks/db.log and /var/log/sks/recon.log.
> This stumped me for a while as well, until I looked into it rather
> more carefully.  The issue is that the new Debian package uses
> systemd(8) instead of the tradition /etc/init.d scripts, and the
> config files for systemd specify all output goes to syslog.
> To fix this, create two files, both called override.conf, one in the
> /etc/systemd/system/sks.service.d directory, the other in the
> /etc/systemd/system/sks-recon.service.d directory.
> I'm not sure whether this mailing list allows attachments, so here
> are the contents of those files:
> ====
> # /etc/systemd/system/sks-recon.service.d/override.conf
> # [JNZ] Modified 19-Nov-2016 for
> [Service]
> ExecStart=
> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sks recon
> ====
> ====
> # /etc/systemd/system/sks.service.d/override.conf
> # [JNZ] Modified 19-Nov-2016 for
> [Service]
> ExecStart=
> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sks db
> ====
> Restart sks ("systemctl restart sks-recon.service && systemctl
> restart sks.service", all on one line) and you should be good to go.
> You could overwrite files in /lib/systemd/system, but they will be
> overwritten on the next package upgrade.
> Hope this helps.
> Yours truly,
> John Zaitseff
> --
> John Zaitseff                    ,--_|\    The ZAP Group
> Phone:  +61 2 9643 7737         /      \   Sydney, Australia
> E-mail:   \_,--._*
>                                       v
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> Sks-devel mailing list

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