A person by the name of Craig S. Wright has created some
poorly-backdated PGP keys and for some reason is pushing hard to prove
that he *could* have created them in 2008.

Early in 2012, I downloaded a keydump from keys.niif.hu (thank you)
and in 2015-ish when it became a news story, a reporter asked me to
check to see what I could about a number of these keys that Mr. Wright
presented to reporters as evidence he was Satoshi Nakamoto.

Yeah. I know. :-( Sorry to bring this in here. I promise I'm a polite
person otherwise.

Well, it turned out that my 2012 dataset showed some keys were in
there, and some keys weren't.

One key in particular is showing obvious signs of being backdated but
for whatever reason, Mr. Wright is paying significant dollars to
security firms to have the debunking of his keys authenticity,

E.g. 0x491F9BDF0F7BD4AD

Do any of you fine folks have a copy of historical SKS data as of that
time? Even 2013 would probably be okay.

Or, do any of you keep the SKS server logs of when your servers first
saw this key? Would you be willing to sign something cryptographically
to assert when your systems saw it uploaded?

Helping us prove this key wasn't known to SKS as of 2012 or even 2013
would be gratefully appreciated.

Thank you kindly for your time.

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