Kristian Fiskerstrand wrote:
> On 10/04/2017 02:32 PM, Frank de Bot wrote:
>> It seems ausing some confusion, so I've adjusted the loadbalancer to
>> route the pks/lookup?op=stats to the 'outward facing' sks instance.
>> (Because of the only difference with queries was the query string, it
>> was quite some trying and failing with rewrite in apache)
> Don't know the syntax in apache, but for others trying to do the same
> using nginx it is along the lines of
> map $arg_op $upstream_server {
>         "stats" sks_servers_primary;
>         default sks_servers;
> }
> where sks_servers and sks_server_primary are defined as upstream

Wouldn't this cause to also route a search with 'stats' only to the
primary server? ;-)

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