On 06.12.2017 20:10, Moritz Wirth wrote:
> Can we delete the logfiles in the KDB/ directory (log.xxxxx) - are there
> other ways to save some space?
In the Debian and Ubuntu packages for SKS there is a *sks.cron.daily*
script included which does some maintenance work in /var/spool/sks,
/var/lib/sks/DB and /var/lib/sks/PTree.

On my server ...
du -hs /var/lib/sks /var/spool/sks/
19G    /var/lib/sks
508K    /var/spool/sks/

# pgpkeys.urown.net 11370 # Alain Wolf <keymas...@urown.net> 0x27A69FC9A1744242


# daily cron to cleanup DB's log files.

set -e

[ -r /etc/sks/cron.conf ] && . /etc/sks/cron.conf

# First, remove old diff- files
# those files hold differences discovered during recon
# eventhing that hasn't been touched in the last 2 weeks
# is probably old and the result of a host that changed IP.

[ -d /var/spool/sks ] || exit 0

find /var/spool/sks -type f -name 'diff-*.txt' -mtime +14 | xargs 
--no-run-if-empty rm -f

[ -d /var/spool/sks/failed_messages ] || exit 0

# Also remove failed messages
find /var/spool/sks/failed_messages -type f -name 'msg-*.ready' -mtime +14 | 
xargs --no-run-if-empty rm -f

[ "$REMOVE_DB_LOGS" = "no" ] && exit 0

clean_directory() {
        if [ -d "$dir" ]
                db_archive -h $dir -d
        return 0

# The DB directory holds indexes and keys.
clean_directory /var/lib/sks/DB

# PTree is for the hashes used with the reconciliation algorithm. (I think)
clean_directory /var/lib/sks/PTree

exit 0

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