Hello all:
Today something strange has happened at sks-keyservers.net/status/.
Yesterday, the keyserver.ispfontela.es server was in the "Servers in the pool" list. Suddenly it has disappeared and a server called eyserver.ispfontela.es appears that has never existed. After a few minutes, when refreshing sks-keyservers.net/status/, keyserver.ispfontela.es appears again, this time in the "Servers currently not in the pool" list. When looking at https://sks-keyservers.net/status/info/keyserver.ispfontela.es the following data appear:

Status for keyserver.ispfontela.es

SKS Software
Version 1.1.6
Server contact Not provided in status page
IPv6 No
Port 80 No
Keys 0
Key diff -4,902,259

In the statistics of my server


Total number of keys: 4903561

The only change I've made has been to add 2 new peers

What has happened?

Paul Fontela

Sks-devel mailing list

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