On Tue 2018-01-23 10:51:54 +0100, Alain Wolf wrote:
> I would try to change desired filepaths in
> debian/patches/0001-use-debian-fhs.patch

Hi there--

I'm one of the current maintainers of the debian package.

this patch is intended to put sks in compliance with the filesystem

however, i'm not convinced that the patches in the debian package are
the right thing for debian today, since they basically hardcode a single
path (and make it difficult to run two instances of sks on the same
machine, for example).  I'd welcome any proposals people have that:

 a) retain the default filesystem placement to stay in line with the
    filesystem hierarchy standard (FHS)

 b) enables running multiple keyservers on a given host

 c) people can upgrade their existing installations without too much

 d) (optional) can be merged upstream so that we don't carry patches :)

If i had more time, i'd experiment with dropping the patch completely,
and setting up a symlink approach in /etc/sks/ but i'm not sure whether
that would work; or if it works, if it would horrify anyone.

Anyway, i'm just saying that just because it's this way today, it
doesn't have to be this way forever.  feedback welcome :)


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