On Tue 2018-01-30 14:06:45 +0100, Paul Fontela wrote:
> 2 - If we all add the task of cron "00 * * * * pkill -USR2 sks || exit
> 1" in our servers, it would be beneficial to keep more updated
> statistics in sks-keyservers.net/status/ that if it is only done every
> 24 hours ?.

due to sks's design, stats calculations can make a server briefly
unresponsive.  It would be a bad thing if all servers in a pool
calculated stats at the exact same time.

Furthermore, depending on the amount of RAM and the disk I/O capacity,
the time that the server is unresponsive can vary.  The administrator of
a machine where RAM is tight and disk I/O is limited might well prefer
to do more infrequent stat rebuilds to minimize the amount of downtime


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