On 04/23/2018 10:24 AM, Franck Nijhof wrote:
> Hi there,
> Via this message, I am announcing the cease of operations on the servers: 
> *.gnupg.pub.
> I have started this experiment some time ago and have enjoyed it pretty much 
> and reached my goal; Getting my server in the pools most of the time,  by 
> getting the highest possible score (without HA).
> The time has also come to make some confessions. Those scores my server got, 
> are not real. I have studied the code running the pools quite a bit and 
> discovered quite a few flaws in it. Which I successfully exploited to get a 
> higher ranking, resulting in my pretty low budget VPS to be in multiple pools 
> almost all the time. I am not going to expose those flaws right here. 
> Nevertheless, I do think it is pretty severe that this system is that easy to 
> manipulate. Even worse; I did not even get into doing extreme things since 
> that was not necessary at all.
> With all due respect, the code running the SKS pools and website are in a 
> pretty sad state. In my humble opinion the code should be made public on a 
> decent open source platform (e.g., GitHub), refactored and exposed as much as 
> possible in order to gain feedback and improvements from other developers. 
> While doing that, add some decent CI/CD as, including some static code 
> analysis tooling.
> Don't worry; the data is not being exploited at all. Nor did peering with me 
> had any effect on your services. That was never my intention of this little 
> project.
> Thank you for learning me so much from GPG and the inner working of the SKS 
> pools that are so important to the GnuPG community and its users.
> With kind regards,
> Franck Nijhof

The code is available at:


It'll be great to have your contributions to help improve the project.


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