On 05/09/2018 09:15 PM, Phil Pennock wrote:

>       in
>       match exptime_delta with
>         | None -> (None,None)
>         | Some _ -> (ctime,exptime_delta)
> I suspect that the `None` line there should be yielding (ctime,None)
> instead of (None,None); in other words, the four lines above should just
> become:
>       in
>       (ctime,exptime_delta)
> The mRindex.ml code is the only place that get_key_exptimes is called,
> and looks to handle the Some unpacking safely already, so it should be
> safe to change, but I'm not set up to play around with this right now to
> confirm and see if there are negative side-effects.

springs to mind. The creation time of the self-signature is needed to
use the latest self-sig. But it is so long ago I don't recall if we
checked if it was used everywhere.

Kristian Fiskerstrand
Blog: https://blog.sumptuouscapital.com
Twitter: @krifisk
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