On 05/19/2018 03:26 PM, Paul Fontela wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I just saw that one of my sks servers is out of the list at
> https://sks-keyservers.net/status/, the server is:
> a.0.keysnode.ispfontela.es
> I have reviewed the logs, both the recon.log and the nginx / access.log
> I have seen something that I do not understand.
> Until the day 04-24-2018 these lines appeared: (nginx/access.log)
> 2018-04-27T21: 25: 22 + 02: 00 "POST / pks / hashquery HTTP / 1.0" 200
> 8989 "-" "-"
> 2018-04-27T21: 26: 21 + 02: 00 "POST / pks / hashquery HTTP / 1.0" 200
> 16839 "-" "-"
> from that day I see that they are:  (nginx/access.log)
> 2018-05-19T20: 44: 10 + 02: 00 "POST / pks / hashquery HTTP / 1.0" 301
> 556 "-" "-"
> I apologize for this lengthy message.
> What could have happened?

A 301 means it was redirected to another URL.

I recommend you enable debug logging in your Nginx to determine where,
exactly, it's redirecting to and why. Warning- it will give you a LOT of
information to sift through, so sit down with a cup of tea and take your
time reading it.

To enable debug logging in Nginx (just a note that not all
distributions' Nginx package build support for it, in which case they
usually offer a separate package that has support for it), change your
error log line from:

  error_log /some/path/to/error/log;


error_log /some/path/to/error/log debug;

And reload Nginx. Look for matches to that URL path and the subsequent
301 request. This feels like an Nginx configuration issue.

brent saner
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