FWIW, you can set the DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE flag for the database - the logs
should be removed automatically

[root@instance-4 ~]# cat /var/lib/sks/KDB/DB_CONFIG
set_flags               DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE

Best regards,

Am 15.06.18 um 09:40 schrieb André Keller:
> Hi,
> On 15.06.2018 05:54, Kiss Gabor (Bitman) wrote:
>> Yesterday at 18:15 (CEST) keys.niif.hu started to produce tons
>> of logs in /var/lib/sks/DB. In less than 2 hours the 40 GB filesystem
>> got fulfilled.
>> Deleting files and restarting processes did not help:
> keys.communityrack.org shares the same fate. Trying to get it online
> again...
> Regards
> André
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