Hi Pete,

On 17/06/18 04:53, Pete Stephenson wrote:
> Thanks.
> I then have three more questions:
> 1. If this issue is affecting my server to the point of it being booted
> from the pool (since it's stalling near-continuously and can't respond
> toe queries), why are other servers not being similar affected? There's
> lots of servers still in the pool.

I certainly should've been booted from the pool since my server has
filled up its disk and trashed its database (twice) so it was offline
all of yesterday.

I'm bringing it back up with the `set_flags DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE` setting
this time which will hopefully save it.

> 2. Is there some countermeasure one can use to protect their server? I
> have LimitRequestBody set to 8000000 (8MB) to prevent blatant abuse, but
> clearly something is still annoying the server.

It appears from Rob's previous email that our servers are failing to
synchronise a 22M key (because of settings like this) which is causing
sks to continually retry:

https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/sks-devel/2018-06/msg00014.html :

> The size is causing timeouts on some reverse proxies and the constant
retries is causing the .log files to be created and growing in the DB

> 3. Any suggestions on how to deal with the unreasonably high-speed
> queries from corporate mail systems? Ideally, they'd run their own
> server locally to handle their huge amount of queries, but I have no
> real way of communicating that with them. I'd love to slow down their
> queries (tarpitting, maybe?) to minimize excess resource consumption
> while still answering their queries as opposed to just cutting them off
> once they hit a rate limit.

Are you sure these users are the cause of your troubles? Or is it this
constant-retry loop caused by this large key?

I'd suggest contacting them before rate limiting them, ask them to point
at the pool or slow down their queries.


> Cheers!
> -Pete
> On 6/16/2018 5:47 PM, Moritz Wirth wrote:
>> Hi,
>> seems like that is the "problem":
>> https://bitbucket.org/skskeyserver/sks-keyserver/issues/60/denial-of-service-via-large-uid-packets
>> https://bitbucket.org/skskeyserver/sks-keyserver/issues/57/anyone-can-make-any-pgp-key-unimportable
>> Best regards,
>> Moritz
>> Am 17.06.18 um 02:18 schrieb Pete Stephenson:
>>> Hi all,
>>> My server, ams.sks.heypete.com, has been suffering from periods where
>>> the amount of CPU used by the sks process goes to 100% for a few minutes
>>> at a time. During this time, my Apache reverse proxy produces errors of
>>> the following type (client IP address obfuscated for their privacy):
>>> [Sun Jun 17 00:00:31.414596 2018] [proxy:error] [pid 4648:tid
>>> 139657505371904] [client CLIENT_IP:40327] AH00898: Error reading from
>>> remote server returned by /pks/lookup
>>> This happens across a range of client IP addresses, so it doesn't appear
>>> to be a single malicious user. Rather, it seems that something is
>>> causing the sks process to stall and connections to it time out.
>>> After a minute or two, CPU usage drops to the normal value of a few
>>> percent up to 15%, with queries being promptly answered until the CPU
>>> usage spikes again and things stall out.
>>> The server is in close sync with its peers, with no particular issues on
>>> the recon side.
>>> Any ideas what might be causing this? I'm running 1.1.6 on Debian, and
>>> things have generally been working well for several years. For good
>>> measure, I recently deleted the key database and recreated it from a
>>> fresh dump, but that had no effect.
>>> Potentially related: several clients, evidently corporate mail servers
>>> that query the SKS pool for every email they send or receive, are making
>>> dozens of queries per second to my server. Is it reasonable to impose
>>> rate limits on such clients (e.g. no more than X queries in Y seconds)?
>>> If so, what would reasonable values be for X and Y?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Cheers!
>>> -Pete
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