On 2018-06-20 at 00:35 +0200, Kristian Fiskerstrand wrote:
> Seems to be a very high request for mongodb release key, so forcing
> caching on the front-end helps relaxing SKS quite a bit, see

Last Friday I investigated and while adjusting my logging to capture the
HTTP verb/method, accidentally logged the entire request for a duration
of 1 minute 33 seconds.  In that time, of the 324 requests logged, two
two most frequent were:

  142  MongoDB 3.4 Release Signing Key <packag...@mongodb.com>
   10  MongoDB 3.2 Release Signing Key <packag...@mongodb.com>

That's almost half the traffic for keys related to one project.

This tied into an eyeball-visible (might be illusion, I don't have
insight analysis tools set up) swing of presented hostnames towards
`keys.gnupg.net` (the common CNAME) instead of the normal pool name.

I walked away from computers for the weekend, for various reasons, but
realizing how much I was spending out of my own pocket now just to
support some company doing stupid things with key distribution factored
into it.  I think there's still some value to running a keyserver so I'm
not ready to give up yet, but I came this --->.<--- close on Friday.


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