> > https://sks-keyservers.net/status/ks-status.php?server=keys.niif.hu
> > my server has not IPv6 connectivity. However I'm pretty sure it has. :-)
> > Could you check this problem?
> Sure its not blocked by firewall or something?
> curl "http://[2001:738:0:600:216:3eff:fe02:42]:11371/pks/lookup?op=stats";
> .. times out from the system ipv6 tests are done on

You are right.
When I installed blacklist of poisoned keys in reverse proxy
I blocked port 11371. I also installed a firewall rule that
redirects port 11371 to 80. However it was set up for IPv4 only.
Now it is effective for IPv6 too.
Thank you.

"Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig
Does whatever a Spider-Pig does.
Can he swing from a web?
No, he can't, he's a pig.
Look out! He is a Spider-Pig."

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