On 16/08/2019 17:23, Stefan Claas wrote:
> They should not vouch for others only sign a monthly statement, which
> Kristian can add to a column in his pool site. And like I said it
> would *not* hurt! If however more key server operators  are against
> this suggestion then IMHO at least people know that operators may
> like to share dumps with 3rd parties, for whatever reasons they may
> have.

What would that statement say? "I don't explicitly provide dumps to
third parties, but I sync my keyserver with random strangers on the
internet, and that's *totally* not *exactly* the same thing." ? :-P

The only way to prevent the SKS dataset getting into arbitrary people's
hands is for all the existing keyservers to refuse to sync with anyone
who's not vouched-for and trustworthy - which will turn the keyservers
into a closed network. That may or may not be *wrong*, but it would be a
fundamental change to the entire premise of the system.

And as Hendrik pointed out above, you can't bootstrap a new SKS
keyserver without a dump.

Andrew Gallagher

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