It is with feelings of sadness and regret that I will be shutting
down, effective immediately, purging all
associated database files and logs.  I will be sending out
individual emails to my current peers as well.

I have enjoyed being part of the SKS community since May 2014.
Thank you for all your help during that time!  But good things often
come to an end...  I had hoped to be "last one standing" :-) but
that is not to be.

For the record, I am not shutting my server down because something
better has come along -- although is a start.  It's
just that my current installation began core-dumping on a regular
basis since last week (segfault error 6 -- write to an unmapped
address).  I've been running a cron job every fifteen minutes to
restart the daemons, but that was only a stop-gap measure.
Recreating the databases using a fresh key dump did not help.  And
given the current state of the SKS network, it just wasn't worth
bothering about debugging the root cause.

All the best, everyone!

Yours truly,

John Zaitseff

John Zaitseff                   ,--_|\    The ZAP Group
Telephone: +61 2 9643 7737     /      \   Sydney, Australia
Email:   \_,--._*

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