
maybe you can try your luck on facebook:

Seems he was last active in late march... Can't guarantee that it really
is him, but as a last resort it could help...


On 22.06.20 19:55, Todd Fleisher wrote:
> FYI - the SKS certificate for sks.pod02.fleetstreetops.com
> <http://sks.pod02.fleetstreetops.com> has now expired and been replaced
> with a standard SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt as of 1646 UTC. As
> such, it will no longer be able to field requests for
> the hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net <http://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net>
> CNAME. While I was writing this I see the DNS CNAME has updated so I
> should stop receiving requests I cannot service without a new certificate.
> 25 days until Dan Austin’s certificates expire on the remaining nodes in
> the pool.
> -T
>> On Jun 11, 2020, at 11:13, Todd Fleisher <t...@fleetstreetops.com
>> <mailto:t...@fleetstreetops.com>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Has anyone seen or heard from Kristian in the last month or so? I’ve
>> reached out several times off list about the upcoming expiration of my
>> server’s certificate for the HKPS pool but have not received any
>> response. My certificate expires in 10 days, at which point I will no
>> longer be able to serve requests for hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net
>> <http://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net/> and will have to generate my
>> own certificate so other clients can continue to securely access my
>> server directly. Also, the SKS HKPS certificates of the only other
>> servers in the pool expire in 36 days. If new certificates are not
>> minted by that time the SKS HKPS pool will become defunct. If anyone
>> has other channels by which to reach Kristian, please use them to
>> reach out and make sure he is OK & aware of this impending issue.
>>     SSL WARNING - Certificate 'sks.pod02.fleetstreetops.com
>>     <http://sks.pod02.fleetstreetops.com/>' expires in 10 day(s)
>>     (2020-06-22 09:47 -0700/PDT).
>>     SSL WARNING - Certificate 'pgpkeys.uk <http://pgpkeys.uk/>'
>>     expires in 36 day(s) (2020-07-17 11:43 -0700/PDT).
>>     SSL WARNING - Certificate 'pgpkeys.eu <http://pgpkeys.eu/>'
>>     expires in 36 day(s) (2020-07-17 11:42 -0700/PDT).
>>     SSL WARNING - Certificate 'pgpkeys.co.uk <http://pgpkeys.co.uk/>'
>>     expires in 36 day(s) (2020-07-17 11:41 -0700/PDT).
>> -T

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