On Thu, 15 Oct 2020, Adam Wojcieszonek wrote:

> Now when trying to normal rebuild then:
> DB time:  0.38 min.  Total time: 0.84 min.
> Loading keys...Fatal error: exception Stack overflow
> Command failed unexpectedly. Bailing out
> ...and when fast rebuild :
> === Running fastbuild... ===
> ./sks_build.sh: line 62: 29051 Segmentation fault      /usr/sbin/sks $mode -n 
> 10 -cache 100
> Command failed unexpectedly. Bailing out
> What can be a reason ? Is there any debug option to find what's going on ???

Some of the dump files contains certain keys with enermous amount of
fake signatures. The program that reads these files cannot handle
the situation.

This summer I had to write a script that filters out the largest
files before I load the dumps in the database.
Yes, I lose some valid keys initially but at least I have a working
and not empty server that can retrieve the missing keys from the peers.


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