Wiktor Kwapisiewicz dijo [Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 08:29:04AM +0200]:
> > (For full disclosure: I recently joined a PhD program, and my study
> > subject is how to keep the decentralized properties of the WoT network
> > while at the same time being able to counter the attacks we have seen
> > on it).
> You may be interested in this Merge Request:
> https://gitlab.com/hagrid-keyserver/hagrid/-/merge_requests/176

Thanks a lot Wiktor! Yes, this is certainly interesting to me -- I
fear it falls very (too?) close to the proposal I wanted to make, so
I'll have to go back to the thinking room, but after all I'm only at
the very early stages of my program ☺

> In short this is about adding Attested Certifications support to
> Hagrid. Attested Certifications are third-party signatures that are
> "approved" by the key owner. This makes it easy to distinguish real
> third-party signatures that the key owner cares for from flooded
> signatures.
> Sadly they are not yet supported in GnuPG but adding them to Hagrid may
> be a good way to solve the "chicken and egg" problem with this feature.
> For technical bits see rfc4880bis section 5.2.1: "0x16  Attested Key 
> Signature"
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-openpgp-rfc4880bis-10#section-5.2.1

Thank you very much for the pointers.

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