Last week I had an incident where for some reason hockeypuck ran away and caused an enormous CPU load (over 25). I firewalled off exernal HTTP access to my keyserver and the load eventually returned to normal ( 0.10 ).
There was nothing in the logfile that I could interpret as troublesome. After restoring normal access to my server I got several silent crashes of hockeypuck over the next several days. Just now the runaway happened again, but I manually intervened before my server became unresponsive. At the moment I am running hockeypuck with my firewall blocking port 11371. I tried to put an Apache proxy in front (a la sks) to get more info on whats going on but hockeypuck ignores the config setting [hockeypuck.conflux.recon] httpAddr="" and uses all interfaces as if I set it to httpAddr="*:11371" -- Dr Everett (Skip) Carter 0x8176163B Taygeta Scientific Inc 607 Charles Ave Seaside CA 93955 831-641-0645 x103