I would also point out that if the package hasn't been updated in the
official git repository, it might have been updated in the unofficial
-current repository on github.

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 9:01 PM, King Beowulf <kingbeow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I appreciate the hard work of all the SBo admins. So tale your time.
> Its not like I can install 13.1 yet anyway - its d/l via bittorent and
> then I had to hop a plane for work.  Also, on behalf of some whiner
> slackers ("are we there yet? NO!!), I apologize for all their
> impatience.
> And while I'm on a rant, why can't those lazy bastards just TRY the
> 13.0 slackbuild on 13.1 (as some have, kudos)? Maybe these kids would
> rather go with Ubuntu?
> -Ed
> On 5/25/10, Robby Workman <rwork...@slackbuilds.org> wrote:
> > I know there's a bit of anticipation by now, and probably some
> > pondering as to why we haven't got a set of scripts out there
> > for 13.1 yet, so I guess some explanation/discussion is in
> > order...
> >
> > Basically, the Slackware 13.1 release snuck up on us (yes, even
> > though several of the SBo admin team *knew* it was coming), and
> > it happened to coincide with real-life conflicts for several of
> > the admins, so we didn't get as far along with preparation as we
> > normally would have.  Because we believe that, like Slackware,
> > it should only go public "when it's ready," we decided to wait
> > until we were comfortable calling things "ready" for public
> > consumption before spinning tarballs and such and putting out
> > a public changelog in the usual manner.
> >
> > The other major factor that's played a part in the delay is
> > something that lots of people have long requested, and that
> > is tracking the repository in git.  Yes, that's right - we
> > now have a git repo with everything in it.  Consider the ensuing
> > based on feedback, our preferences, logistics, phase of the
> > moon, and various other known and unknown factors...
> >
> > http://slackbuilds.org/gitweb/ has a web interface to the
> > git repositories - you will notice that there is a 'slackbuilds'
> > repo and a 'templates' repo, and each of them contains exactly
> > what the name implies.
> >
> > The 'slackbuilds' repo contains several "predictable" branches:
> > 11.0, 12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 13.0, and 13.1, and each of those has
> > exactly what the branch name implies.  It's a bit early to be
> > setting anything in stone, but unless something changes, the
> > '13.1' branch at any given moment should be the equivalent of
> > what is available on the website (in other words, it's exactly
> > what you would have gotten from an rsync of the slackbuilds/13.1/
> > tree if we didn't have a git repo).
> >
> > Each admin will have one or more separate branches (which might
> > have various names) where he will push approved submissions as
> > they are cleared.  From time to time, one of us will gather the
> > various commits from the admin-specific branches and commit them
> > to master, and once we decide to do a public push to http (the
> > "old" way of doing things), then we'll merge master into the 13.1
> > branch, generate the tarballs, gpg sigs, and ChangeLog, and sync
> > that over to the http tree.  Again, the http tree (the old way)
> > will always be in sync with the 13.1 branch (until 14.0 is out).
> >
> > For those of you who don't know git and/or have no desire to learn
> > it, fear not -- nothing changes with respect to the rest of our
> > site.  Everything stays the same in regard to rsync, ftp, http,
> > and so on.
> >
> > For those of you who *do* know/use git, this is another option for
> > you.  For the time being, submissions will still be done using the
> > existing method - git pull requests are not an option right now. [1]
> >
> > This probably doesn't need to be said, but for your own sanity,
> > DO NOT base any work on an admin-specific branch (e.g. on my
> > 'rworkman' branch) -- those are subject to be rebased, removed,
> > etcetera at any time.
> >
> > Anyway, we hope to have all the kinks ironed out of this soon,
> > and once we do, we'll get everything up and running normally.
> > Thanks for your support and patience, and in the meantime,
> > enjoy 13.1!
> >
> > [1] That's not to say that a git pull request won't be honored.
> >     In fact, if you were to clone master and host it on e.g. github,
> >     and create a separate branch for each app that you submit via
> >     our submission form, and note that in the comments of the
> >     submission, it's certainly possible that some of us :) might
> >     use that.   This is particularly true for cases where:
> >       [ $admin == rworkman ] && [ $changetype == trivial ]  :-)
> >
> > -RW
> >
> --
> Sent from my mobile device
> You! What PLANET is this!
>        -- McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate 3134.0
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