On Sat, 5 Jun 2010 10:50:27 -0500
Bill Kirkpatrick <bki...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I cannot get easytag to build on my 13.1 installation. During "make"
> it issues a "File not found" error for mp4.h. Sure enough there is no
> mp4.h on my system, but there is mp4v2.h I contacted the SlackBuild
> maintainer about the problem. He thanked me for the info & asked if I
> wanted to take over maintenance of the SlackBuild. I emailed the
> source maintainer, but got no response, so declined maintenance of
> the SlackBuild. I managed to install easytag by adding
> "--disable-mp4 /" to the configure switches, but I would like to find
> out what was done in the SlackBuild to get it to build without that
> switch. Regards,
> Bill Kirkpatrick
> TSquaredF

Strange that it just worked out of the tin on my install.
I'll look it over and see if I have installed something that could
explain it. I'll install it on a clean install before I submit.
Thank you for the comment.
Yes, it is an old release by now and not showing much sign of revival;
it is, however, the best program I have come across on the platform I
use - Slackware & Xfce - so I like it to stick around for a while. Of
course, if there are better tools in the same style, I am willing to
let this one go!


Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
http://syntaktisk.dk * mj...@syntaktisk.dk
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