On Tue, 2011-02-08 at 09:30:22 +0000, Tim Dickson wrote:
> hi all, I am creating a slackbuild for a project where the source is
> only available as a mecurial repo. on googlecode.com
> It is easy enough to get (the source), but is not accessible
> directly by http or ftp, and is just the source itself, not a
> gzipped tar of the source.
> any suggestions?
> thanks, Tim
> PS. source can be got with something like..
> hg clone https://$APNAME.googlecode.com/hg/ $APPNAME

It doesn't seem that googlecode.com allows one to download arbitrary
changeset from the repo as an archive (yet).  There's a registered
issue[0] about this on their support issue tracker, but I don't see
anywhere that it had been solved.

[0] http://code.google.com/p/support/issues/detail?id=4134

Perhaps this project has a mirror on bitbucket.org?  This feature is
supported there:


If there's no official mirror, you could provide it yourself by cloning
the repo and pushing it into bitbucket.org.  Or you could try asking the
upstream to do this for you.

Audrius Kažukauskas

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