On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 12:22 AM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Apr 2011, Greg' Ar Tourter wrote:
>> is R being picked up by anyone? otherwise I'll do it. it would be a
>> shame to have that one unmaintained here.
> Greg,
>  Ivan and I are newcomers to package maintenance but agreed to stumble
> along together in maintaining R. Ivan's a chemist using R and I'm an
> ecologist just learning R.

FYI, when I try to build R-2.13.0 with the old SlackBuild. I found some bugs:

  1, --with-perl option is no longer needed.
  2, the old SlackBuild didn't set the CXXFLAGS, FCFLAGS, FFLAGS and
OBJCFLAGS. I doubt whether R actually use obj-c but configure report
it. And it's no harm to set it.
  3, "export" is needed in the "adjust PATH" line.

With these changes applied, R seems build and run well on my system. I
did a demo(graphics) and it went well.

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