
The old versions of libreoffice are still available but not at their
original location:

You can find them in

Hope this helps


On 18 July 2011 21:57, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jul 2011, Jens Weber wrote:
>> Maybe you consider using sbopkg from http://sbopkg.org/ as it will dowload
>> the right source version for you
> Jens,
>  I installed sbopkg. It seeks libreoffice-3.3.2 which is no longer in the
> repository (or available at libreoffice.org). Recommendations here are to
> avoid 3.4.0 and there appears to be no way to get, build, and install 3.4.1.
>  Any other suggestions?
>  I like sbopkg finding updates for me as slackpkg does for
> distribution-included packages.
> Thanks,
> Rich
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