On Mon, 2012-02-06 at 11:35:53 -0600, Charles Kauffman wrote:
> 2.
> In the echinus.SlackBuild
> sed -i "s;-Os;$SLKCFLAGS ;g" config.mk
> sed -i "s;.pixmap: ;.pixmap: \/usr\/share\/echinus\/_g" echinusrc
> sed -i "s/DOCPREFIX}\/echinus/DOCPREFIX}\/echinus-$VERSION/g" Makefile
> The source only contains Makefile and config.mk, no configure script.  So I
> replaced the compiler flag -Os with SLKCFLAGS, as well as had the script
> create a doc directory that had the version number appended to it.
> The second sed makes modifications to the rc file since problems can occur
> when the program loads.
> So, does that look good, or should I just leave some of that alone?

Looks good to me.  As long as the changes don't break anything, I'd say
go for it.  Just not sure if global (g) substitute is needed (it looks
for multiple regex matches in a single line).  Also there should be a
semicolon at the end of second sed-line, no (and no need to escape

Audrius Kažukauskas

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