On Sat, 2012-05-05 at 23:22:19 -0600, Slacker build user wrote:
> My question then is this: Should I submit the new versions under a
> different name such as Xerces-c_3 and Xalan-c-svn with explanation
> in the README? Or is there a better way to handle this? Or should I
> keep it to myself and just offer them to anyone interested? ;-)

First, SBo won't accept build scripts that download source files, so
your best bet would be to checkout the revision that works, make a
tarball and put it somewhere online, so others could fetch it.

But I think it's not a good idea to have multiple versions of the same
software in SBo, unless there's a *really* good reason to do so (e.g.
some applications require newer version of library, while others still
use the old one, etc).

I'm pretty sure that Heinz (maintainer of both SlackBuilds) will comment
on your questions sooner or later, as he reads this mailing list and is
one of SBo admins (if I'm not mistaken).  Perhaps the email provided for
both scripts is not in use anymore, and that's why he didn't reply to

Audrius Kažukauskas

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