On Sun, 2012-11-18 at 07:12:37 +0200, Mikko Varri wrote:
> If the script is public domain, as a maintainer you can do whatever
> you want with it.  You do not have to mention the previous
> maintainers. But...
> I did contact all the previous maintainers (those mentioned in the
> script and those who had touched the script according to git log) and
> asked whether they want to be mentioned according to the BSD/MIT
> style.  Most of them couldn't care less, so I dropped their names.
> However, some of them appreciated the gesture and wanted to keep their
> names in the scripts, so those stayed.

Thank you guys for the answers.  I think I'll try Mikko's approach and
contact past maintainers and contributors, as simply removing them
doesn't feel right to me.

Audrius Kažukauskas

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