On 01/11/2015 01:14 AM, Jim Diamond wrote:
On Fri, Jan  9, 2015 at 20:45 (+0200), Audrius Kažukauskas wrote:

On Fri, 2015-01-09 at 13:34:03 -0400, Jim Diamond wrote:
On Fri, Jan  9, 2015 at 17:09 (+1000), Christoph Willing wrote:

Its not stated there but I presume a blank offset defaults it to 0,
therefore for a VERSION of 3.4.2, PYVER would be set to 3.4

That is fragile code.  If VERSION got as high as 3.10.x, Bad Things
would happen.

Agreed, although very unlikely, according to one of Python

Also agreed.

Another problem with having fragile code is that it might propagate
itself into other Slackbuilds, which could (who knows?) end up with
that actually being a bug.

If we're looking for something more robust, yet generic, then my previously proposed solution:
is not so great if a version string has extra fields i.e. VERSION= would become 3.4.2 (rather than the desired 3.4).

To make up for that shortcoming, I offer:
    PYVER=$(sed 's/\.[^\.]*//2g' <<< "$VERSION")

Maybe not as easy to read as Audrius' solution using cut though ...

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