On 03/05/2017 04:33 AM, Willy Sudiarto Raharjo wrote:
>> how are we supposed to submit new packages with cyclic dependencies
>> via the website?
>> This time, I am trying to submit two python packages fixtures and testtools.
>> I tried to be imaginative and removed testtools from REQUIRES, then
>> submitted testtools and then tried to submit again fixtures with the
>> testtools included in the REQUIRES, but
>> "a submission by the name 'fixtures' is already pending approval." :)
>> How should I proceed so that we can have these two packages added properly?
> Unless you want to resubmit everything, i have removed fixture from
> testtools in my branch and after public update, i will remove fixture
> from pending (it can't be deleted now since it's listed as dep for
> testtools).
> cyclic dependency should be listed in the README.
> I think opencv and ffmpeg also had the same problem

I will wait for the next public update, then resubmit fixture and
testtools with the appropriate REQUIRES string and with fixed
README files.

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